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Fort Collins Audubon Society
Board of Directors Meeting

February 5, 2009

ATTENDEES: Heman Adams, Scott Cobble, Eric DeFonso, Ruth Grant, Ron Harden,
Lynne Hull, Joel Hurmence, Kathleen Kilkelly, Karl Krahnke, Jessie Meschievitz, Bill Miller,
Liz Pruessner, Joann Thomas, Shelagh Tupper, John Waddell.

OTHERS PRESENT: Connie Kogler.

CALL TO ORDER: President Karl Krahnke called the meeting to order at 7:07 P.M.

INTRODUCTIONS: Of prospective FCAS Board candidates / Q&A – All:
Everyone introduced themselves to Connie and she introduced herself to the Board.

MINUTES – Review, revise, and approve – All:
No discussion.

New for all: Please Bring Written Reports or Email Reports in Advance


Treasurer’s Report – Waddell:
1. Current bank balance is $5,500.
2. $1,414 sent to Audubon Colorado for the lobbyist.


A. Programs – Meschievitz:
1. Gary Graham offered to present a program on the birds of Peru.
2. Karl indicated and individual would present a program on dendrochronology of the Ponderosa pine of the Front Range.
3. Ruth, Jessie, and Diann will brainstorm ideas for future programs.
4. Paul Bannick will present on his book – The Owl and the Woodpecker.

B. Membership – Tupper:
1. Shelagh electronically distributed the Volunteer List from the Membership Survey.
2. Membership report.
a. 666 NAS members
b. 95 FCAS members
c. 43 Comp newsletters delivered.

C. Finance – Adams:
1. No discussion

D. Education – Thomas
1. Second Saturday walks have been popular.
2. Bill Miller gave a slide show for the Newcomer’s Club.
3. Bath Nursery Bird Days were a success.
4. The Great Backyard Bird Count was promoted.
5. Joann is working on an effort to get into schools and get kids involved in the Great
Backyard Bird Count.

D. Conservation – Miller:
1. The Feb. 5, 2009 Coloradoan held a couple Glade Reservoir articles.
2. The same Coloradoan issue had a Soap Box on the pipeline through the Brinks’ place.
3. Linda Knowlton asked if FCAS and the Sierra Club were interested in participating in
a Cross Currents program regarding the CSU wind farm.
4. A Save the Poudre press release indicated the Army Corps of Engineers will have to
produce a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Glade project.

E. Field Trips – DeFonso:
1. Denise Bretting has taken over the Bobcat Ridge monthly surveys.
2. David Leatherman will conduct the trip to the Denver Zoo on Feb. 17th and the Small
Montane Winter Owling trip the following Saturday.
3. Eric will incorporate a discussion on the topography and geology of the area into his
weather walks.

F. Newsletter – Martin:
1. Joe will be moving to England.


A. TAPS Assessment:
Art, the TAPS Consultant, indicated FCAS is in good shape financially. He highlighted the
need to get more people involved and suggested a ľ day workshop on developing a
volunteer base. Lynne moved to have the workshop. Liz seconded the motion which was
passed unanimously by the Board.

B. Continuing Search for Officers:
1. No discussion.

C. Increasing volunteer participation:
1. Look in the Bylaws regarding the duties of the Volunteer Coordinator.


A. Approval of the 2009 Budget:
1. Liz moved to approve the Budget as submitted by John Waddell. The motion was
seconded by Ron Harden. Lynne Hull offered a friendly amendment to budget $1,500 for
the Garden Tour. The friendly motion was seconded by Heman and approved by
Liz. Bill moved to add $300 to the budget for membership brochures. This motion was
seconded by Ruth and accepted by Liz. The Board unanimously approved the Budget.

B. Purchase of a Computer Display Monitor:
1. Eric suggested the creation of a Technology Committee.
2. Ron Harden, Eric DeFonso, Bill Miller, and Connie Kogler volunteered.

C. Scholarships for 2009:
1. Ruth indicated that ELC is trying to fund fieldtrips for second graders at Irish and Putnam.
Ruth requested that the ELC proposal be approved.
2. Funding of up to $2,100 be available for scholarships.

D. Newsletter Editor:
1. No discussion

E. Garden Tour for this year:
1. Lynne is looking for volunteers to serve on the tour committee. A week for tonight prior to
to the Program Meeting will be the first committee meeting. Lynne will mention this at the
Program Meeting.

F. Bird seed Sale:
1. No discussion.

G. Raptor Dinner Tickets:
1. Sold ten seats at our table.

H. Raptor Corridor effort:
1. No discussion.

I. Birdathon:
1. The Birdathon will be held between May 15th and May 17th.

J. Natural Area Clean-up:
1. Will be held sometime in April.
2. Will place notice in the March newsletter.

No discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 8:03 P.M.

Submitted by Scott Cobble


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