FCAS Presents

Arvind Panjabi
Senior Research Scientist at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

“Three Billion Birds Lost…and Counting: Can we stop the decline and bring them back?”

Thursday, February 8th, 2024
Social Time 7:00
Announcements 7:20;
Presentation 7:30;
Fort Collins Senior Center Twinberry Auditorium, 1200 Raintree Dr.

***This program will also be accessible online using Zoom***

It will also be viewable in-person at the Senior Center.

Enter the following link on your web browser at 7 p.m. and follow the instructions to join the meeting virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83890405859

Submitted by Arvind Panjabi

Submitted by Arvind Panjabi

Do you love birds? Whether it’s the hummingbirds in your garden, the shorebirds running along the beach, or the swallows gracing the skies, birds bring joy to millions of people and play an important role in our ecosystems. Unfortunately, more than half of the bird species in the United States and Canada are declining, and they could use your help! In this presentation you will learn about the science behind the recent estimated loss of almost 3 billion birds from North America, what kinds of birds were most affected, which have increased, and how patterns of loss vary across the biomes of our continent. You may be surprised at what you learn! Arvind Panjabi will also discuss what is contributing to these declines, what conservation groups like the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and others are doing to help stop the declines and how each of us in our daily lives can help make our shared spaces a healthy place for both birds and people.

Arvind Panjabi is a Senior Research Scientist at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies in Fort Collins, Colorado, where he works to conserve birds of western North America through an integrated approach involving science, education and land stewardship.

This program is free and the public is welcomed.