FCAS Presents

Kate Boyd
Wildlife Rehabilitator and Zoologist
Reptile and Amphibians Center of the Rockies

“Conservation Close-Up: Connecting with Native Reptiles & Amphibians”

Thursday, May 16th, 2024
Social Time with refreshments 7:00
Announcements 7:20;
Presentation 7:30;
Door Prize Drawing (Must be present to win)
Fort Collins Senior Center Twinberry Auditorium, 1200 Raintree Dr.

***This program will also be accessible online using Zoom***

It will also be viewable in-person at the Senior Center.

Enter the following link on your web browser at 7 p.m. and follow the instructions to join the meeting virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85852108098


Chorus frog photo by Kate Boyd

Join us for an interactive talk about local reptiles and amphibians throughout Colorado with the Reptile & Amphibian Center of the Rockies. Along with native species animal ambassadors, we will discuss local habitats that support these amazing animals and learn about ongoing conservation efforts aimed at protecting their ecosystems and populations. Discover how you can make a difference by getting involved in conservation projects and initiatives in your community. From volunteer opportunities to simple actions you can take in your own backyard, you can become a steward of our local area's rich biodiversity. Don't miss this chance to connect with nature, meet native species animal ambassadors, and contribute to the preservation of these vital species.

Kate Boyd is dedicated to protecting the unique reptiles and amphibians of Colorado. With a background in zoology, animal rescue, and wildlife rehabilitation, Kate has spent 10 years working with and advocating for the preservation of these fascinating creatures.

This program is free and the public is welcomed.