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Fort Collins Audubon Society
Board of Directors Meeting

September 4, 2008

ATTENDEES: Heman Adams, Scott Cobble, Eric DeFonso, Ruth Grant, Ron Harden, Lynne Hull, Joel Hurmence, Karl Krahnke, Bill Miller, Joann Thomas, John Waddell.


CALL TO ORDER: President Karl Krahnke called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.


MINUTES – Review, revise, and approve – All:
There were no minutes to approve.

New for all: Please Bring Written Reports or Email Reports in Advance


Treasurer’s Report – Waddell:
1. We signed a new contract with the Lincoln Center.
2. We still get checks from the ink jet cartridges.


A. Programs – Meschievitz:
1. No discussion.

B. Membership – Tupper:
1. No Discussion.

C. Finance – Adams:
1. Spending is generally even.
2. Get another longer term CD.

D. Education – Thomas:
1. The July 12th Second Saturday Nature Walk was a river walk guided by David Merritt,
a riparian plant ecologist.
2. The FCAS/High Plains Environmental Center 4th Thursday walks will continue
through the summer.

E. Conservation – Miller:
1. No discussion.

F. Field Trips – DeFonso:
1. Eric wants to give an afternoon weather walk a try.
2. Lynne asked Joann if she would like the river tours on the Univercity website.
She agreed. Eric also requested his trips on that website.

G. Newsletter – Martin:
1. The newsletter will be mailed September 5th...

A. Global warming / Cool Choice – Hull:
1. Was awarded a grant from AoC.
2. Eric will help Lynne with a blog.
3. Place Choice stickers where a person can make a choice. That would help reduce global

B. Suggest FCAS join FirstCall 211, part of United Way – Hull:
1. FCAS can join as an organization for $30.00.
2. They will help us set up volunteers.
3. They will, for a fee, give us a ½ day workshop.
4. Heman moved to try a one year membership in TAP. Bill seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.

C. Appoint Nominating Committee for 2009 FCAS Board – Hurmence:
1. Joel will step down as president.
2. The slate is listed in the December newsletter.
3. Ruth will chair the Search Committee. Karl and Heman will assist.

D. Calls from the “cell phone towers are killing geese and bees” lady – Hurmence:
1. Several Board members have received a call.
2. Ask her to send a signed letter to our address then end the conversation.


A. Poudre River Comments – Miller:
1. No discussion.

B. Poudre River Talking Points for FCAS Members – Miller/Cafaro:
1. Will put talking points on FCAS website.
2. Will send email asking if members would want action alerts.
3. Miller will send FCAS response to Corps of Engineers after he receives input from
Board members. Krahnke moved and Hull seconded. Passed unanimously.

1. No discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.



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