President's Corner
Chapter is Looking to Fill Three Board Vacancies
by John Shenot
Last month, FCAS named a Nominations Committee (Amy Roush, Lori Pivonka, Barb Patterson, and me) that is responsible for recruiting candidates to serve on our Board of Directors in 2025. The committee has already identified many willing and qualified candidates to serve as officers, directors, and stand-ing committee chairs, but we are still looking to fill at least three vacancies: Programs Committee Chair, Hospitality Committee Chair, and Director-at-Large. Additional vacancies may yet arise.
Our most urgent need is to find a new Programs Committee Chair. This person will lead a small team that plans our monthly programs and finds compelling guest speakers to educate, inspire, and entertain us. They also will write a short (half-page) article for each of our newsletters promoting the upcoming program. Chairing the Programs Committee provides a great opportunity to contribute to perhaps the most important function our chapter serves. If there is a topic or a particular speaker you’ve been dying to hear, you can make it happen! It’s also a great way to meet, network, get involved, and learn. And rest assured, experienced committee members will help you be successful as the chair.
Our Hospitality Committee Chair arranges for refreshments to be provided at monthly programs. We have limped through 2024 with a vacancy in this position, but may have to stop offering refreshments if we can’t find a new chair. Directors-at-Large serve on the Board of Directors and contribute to all decisions made by the Board, but have no specified duties.
Contact any member of the Nominations Committee to learn more about volunteering for the Board of Directors generally or to learn about any of the specific vacancies mentioned above.